Monday, November 10, 2008


Based on my understanding I assume, there are lot of different ways of narrating stories.

So first as my narration, If anyone ask me to write story. I will narrate as I. Meaning not as an character in the story. this type of narration has some pros and cons.
1. It is easy to explain the concepts
2. It is easy to explain some of things which no one characters know.
3. It is bit tough to explain the feeling of a character.
4. It can be called as plain explanation, as our text books.

Another type of narration is as an character. considering narrator as an hero or heroin.
1. Due to which we can explain all the feelings and thinking point from the character point of view.
2. Some of the common things, it is difficult to explain.

but both are popular, some people like first one some people like the second method.

Now the third one is like Drama, mixer of both. 

If you wants to add more points to it. Please send me comments.


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