Friday, March 28, 2008

Automation Studio

Before writing anything here, I wants to introduce my self. I am anil kumar working as Software Test Engineer, for one of the semiconductor based company.

As I am working on Automation Testing. I thought of creating an plateform, which should have capability to convert Test cases to automation tool recognizable scripting language. So it should compile test cases (i.e., Grammer checking) after that it should test our software.

1. With this it is not required to code again and again.
2. If any new features are coming in, we can just needs to add that test case in common repository.

So to achive this, we have created our own syntax or commands. Using which any one can convert manual test cases, and write into an Excel. So our Automation Studio is going to read all the test cases from Excel and start compiling the test cases (basically, it is going to check any error in test cases).
Next step is to start executing the test cases on our software , Error will be logged into log file.


I think this is the most important part in this article. we have designed in such generic way so that Automation Studio is going to work for any software in OS. Basically this design is ment for Rational Robot tool. I think we can use same desing and implement in other tool also.

Based on the below logic I designed our Automation Studio:
If you wants to do an operation on any object, first we need to know,
1. what operation we are going do on the object,
2. What object
3. What optional value.

So to do an operation we need following values :
1. Object (For Example : ComboBox)
2. Object Name (For Example : ID = 203)
3. Object Operation (For Example : Select)
4. Object Value (For Example : High)

So our commnd for Rational Robot look like :

Window Setcontest, "XYZ"
ComboBox click, "ID=203",Coord="
ComboListBox Select, "High"

So our command in excel looks like:



Automation studio reads these command from Excel , compile the code based on some rules, which are already stored in some config files. After all this, if compilation is passing. Then it is going to execute the test case.

Your Questions :

1. How it is different from recording Script?

Actually, all the rules and set of objects name or ID is already stoed in config file. so automation studio compare the values of commands in excel and these config file while in compiling commands.

Once if we input all the objects and its ID in config, we just need to write commands in Excel not necessary to record or write in Rational robot editor. We just need to write in Excel. Which is an easy job.

I can not put design flow and also design achitecture here.

-Have a gr8 day...

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